Book A Quilt
Let's work together!
Please read these helpful hints before completing the form below
Prep: What size should my backing be?
There's an easy way to remember this: FOUR-FOR-FOUR! :)
I require the backing to be 4" extra on all sides. For example, if you have a quilt top that is 60" x 80", your backing should measure at least 68" x 88". It can be bigger, just not any smaller. If you have any questions please ask! I'm confident that together with a little bit of teamwork I can give you the results you will love and cherish for a long time! :)
Tidy It Up!
Please press your top and backing for me so that it's nice and tidy and ready for me to load. Please also clip stray threads or raveling fabrics as best as you can. You might not get them all, but it helps prevent dark threads from shadowing through your quilt top. This extra step will really help your quilt top shine!
Quilting Choice
This is the fun part! But if you find it overwhelming, you have the option of having me make the quilting decisions for you. We can talk about the purpose of the quilt, who it's for, and how it will be used...these all help in the decision process. Sometimes having someone else choose takes the stress away.

Book A Quilt Form
Please fill out a separate form for each quilt top.
Name *
Email *
Address *
Pricing Disclosure *
The current rate is 2 cents per square inch.
Is Quilt Ready? *
Is your quilt ready to be quilted. For general questions, please exit the form and send me an email here: michelle@seashellquilting.com
Please note: Quilts enter my queue in the order that I receive them.
Dimensions *
Please include the width and height of your quilt top in inches.
Tell me about your quilting vision and an information that you'd like to share with me about your top. Feel free to ask any questions you have. If you are not sure, we can work together to find a good option.
Date Requested
Leave blank if there is no deadline.
Current turnaround time is approximately 2 weeks.
Quilting Design
Thread Preference
I like to match the thread to the fabrics in your quilt that are lightest in value, using neutrals a lot. But it is your quilt and we can do whatever you want!
Batting Preference *
The batting stock I use is on a 93' roll. I will use only what is needed for your quilt (smallest side + a 5" margin) and charge by the yard.
Please add your mobile number if you're permitting me to text you (i.e. questions, photos, updates). If not, leave blank and we'll communicate through email.
I'd love to share your beautiful work! Fill this out only if you are permitting me to share pictures of your quilt on social media. Please include the pattern name, pattern designer, and/or any special fabrics that your quilt features. If you need to keep this project secret, please indicate that as well!
Return Shipping *
I use USPS Priority shipping to return quilts (if not arranging pick up locally). It comes with $50 of insurance and a tracking number. Please indicate below if you would like me to purchase additional insurance on your behalf (added to the invoice when work is complete).
Backing Fabric *
In order to give you the best results possible, please ensure that your backing fabric is a total of 8" wider and 8" longer than your quilt top. This gives me at least 4" of margin on each side of the quilt top. Your backing can be larger but not smaller.
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